
Inside Italy’s $1 billion marble mountains that produce more tons than anywhere else on Earth

Carrara marble is one of the most prestigious marbles in the world. A slab can cost up to $400 per square meter, and over history, it has been used for some remarkable buildings. Think of the Pantheon in Rome or Michelagelo’s iconic statue, David. The luxury stone comes the Apuan Alps, a mountain range in […]

Inside Italy’s $1 billion marble mountains that produce more tons than anywhere else on Earth Read More »

Marble used for Bahawalpur’s 150-year-old mosque construction is Indian

Al-Sadiq Mosque is located in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. Its foundation stone was laid by Great Sufi of Chishtia clan and the Spiritual Master of Nawab of Bahawalpur Noor Muhammad Maharvi more than 150 years ago. The renovation was done by the order of Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi in 1935 after returning from hajj. Bahawalpur’s

Marble used for Bahawalpur’s 150-year-old mosque construction is Indian Read More »

The most luxurious & elusive bathrooms of all time: Marble & expensive floors

Whitewashed tiles, expensive marbles and floors make up the most luxurious bathrooms you’ve ever seen. Famous designers leave their signature and show us the bathrooms of our dreams. shows us the most outrageous and elusive bathrooms ever created. Ludovica Serafini et Roberto Palomba Axel Vervoordt Laura Gonzalez Studio KO Charles Zana Jean-Louis Deniot Marcante

The most luxurious & elusive bathrooms of all time: Marble & expensive floors Read More »

Portugal’s exports of marble blocks and slabs in 2018

How Portugal’s exports of marble blocks and slabs were affected by the strengthening of its economic relations with China?, after studying the statistical results of Eurostat, the International Trade Centre and the UN Comtrade is presenting Portugal’s marble blocks and slabs exports in 2018. During the financial crisis in Portugal, China offered tremendous support

Portugal’s exports of marble blocks and slabs in 2018 Read More »

Construction sector contributed 14.5% to Dubai’s GDP in 2018

Dubai’s GDP recorded a growth rate of 1.94% in 2018 to reach a value of $108.4bn, with the construction, infrastructure, and real estate sectors all playing a significant role in this surge over the last 12 months, according to data published by Dubai Statistics Centre (DSC). Construction and infrastructure projects contributed 14.5% more to the economy

Construction sector contributed 14.5% to Dubai’s GDP in 2018 Read More »

Construction starts on $1.2bn Reem Mall’s Snow Park in Abu Dhabi

Construction work has started on the 1.1ha Snow Park within Abu Dhabi’s Reem Mall, a $1.2bn (AED4.4bn) project at Reem Island’s Najmat District that will comprise 450 shops when it opens in late-2020. UK practice Pascall + Watson, which has delivered architectural design services for Snow Park, said site works have started for the “unusual leisure

Construction starts on $1.2bn Reem Mall’s Snow Park in Abu Dhabi Read More »