
Why exhibit at Stonemart fair?

Iran stone news agency : India Stonemart 2019 would be the largest international exposition on stone industry which would showcase the world of natural dimensional stones, ancillary products and services comprehensively. The event would bring together various stake holders of the stone industry viz domestic and overseas producers, exporters / importers, consumers and buyers, experts,

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Carrara, Calacatta and Statuario: Differentiating Between Types of Italian Marble Countertops

Iran stone news agency: Carrara marble is grayish-white with less large veins and more fine, feathery veining that often appears to be linear. Calacatta marble is a rarer than carrara and is more white than gray with dramatic veining that results in thick, predominate patterns. It often has brown and gold undertones. Statuario is the

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Xiamen Stone Fair

Iran stone news agency : China Xiamen International Stone Fair was founded in 2001. Making full use of rich stone resource in Fujian Province and Xiamen port advantage, Xiamen Stone Fair develops rapidly and become the largest professional stone exhibition in the world. The purposes of this fair are to: display new products, new technology

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The busiest US ports by finished marble and granite import value in 2018

Maritime transport is usually prefered to carry large and heavy pieces of cargo, such as oversized units of marble and granite, on long distance in lower cost than air transport. In the US, the major gateways for finished marble and granite cargo are ports. Which were the ones with the largest import value of finished

The busiest US ports by finished marble and granite import value in 2018 Read More »

Julie Chaidas, Iktinos Hellas S.A.: “Women should insist on what they do in business”

Women’s entrepreneurship has remained a taboo for many years. Progress has been made in recent decades as more and more businesses employ women. The US (52%), Spain (48%), Canada (46%) and Finland (44%) are the countries with the highest employment rates for women at all corporate high job titles. A great example is the marble

Julie Chaidas, Iktinos Hellas S.A.: “Women should insist on what they do in business” Read More »