
The New Natural Stone Industry Website

Online since November 18 is the new Confindustria Marmomacchine Association website (www.assomarmomacchine.com/en/), a true platform for Italy’s stone/techno-stone industry. First of all, the Italian association’s website was rethought under the banner of “mobile first” and usability by operators, with a restyling designed to give added value to the visibility of the association’s work and services, but above all the new website is intended as a “tool” both for companies and professionals of the Natural Stone Industry, especially thanks to the new research engine for operators who view the new Marmomacchine website and can have the best of natural stone and stone technology handy.

New research engine

The new research engine – developed to respond to searches through company names and products – was optimized not only to facilitate operator consultation but also to pinpoint the company of interest. All with the specialization and ranking know-how ensured by the sector organization. A research engine that is convenient and easy to use, navigating among the finest  stone sector products Made in Italy.

New kinds of personalized contacts for specialized operators

As previously stated, the new website is also an authentic work tool. As such, and to facilitate and foster operator contact with member companies and access to their products, in addition to the types of contacts already contained in member files, the website’s home page now has three buttons, each dedicated to a professional figure (Company; Buyer; Designer), making it possible to contact the association and get help with specific requests for the supply of a given technology or material for a specific project. A truly useful gate especially for buyers and designers, letting them contact association members and the association itself.

New member files

On the new website, Confindustria Marmomacchine member companies are greatly valorized by means of the new format for company files, which in particular, in the new “showcase” format, permits insertion of a cover shot and gallery of the company’s main products, which web developers confirm can be handled completely independently by the companies. Also interesting is the tool permitting instant file contact sharing on the main social media sites.

New Top Link | Members highlighted service

The home page of the association’s website features a special section called “Top Link” devoted to the companies most interested in investing in digital promotion, which get great visibility on the site. We learned directly from the association that active members can use the Top Link service through digital advertising packages lasting three, six or twelve months and the added option of “always home”.

New visibility for the Directory stone sector report

The association’s annual Directory has always been its most prestigious publication, distributed worldwide at all the tradeshows and international events in which the association participates, as well as an authentic “calling card” for the stone sector at all the official meetings the association attends. To further valorize the publication and reward the member companies investing in it through personalized ad packages, the Directory has been given a highlighted position in the upper part of the website that facilitates consultation and downloading. A useful feature giving everyone a quick way to learn about current market trends.

New PNA | Pietra Naturale Autentica show button

Space and visibility are also given to the PNA | Pietra Naturale Autentica (Authentically Natural Stone) network, the innovative organization founded on voluntary network contracts to create projects and communication work promoting the use of authentically natural stones, to which Confindustria Marmomacchine belongs as founding supporter, at the same time providing its organizational support and premises. The PNA has a dedicated show button on the website’s home page to explain its work and purposes and promote membership in it.

New Marmo Macchine Mark show button

The Marmo Macchine Mark is the trademark that Confindustria Marmomacchine issues to its members to distinguish stone-working machinery and equipment designed and made in Italy. The purpose of the trademark is to clearly distinguish stone sector technology Made in Italy from that of foreign competitors on the international market, also guaranteeing product excellence through strict “trademark issue regulations” containing precise technical, productive and standardization requisites. The Marmo Macchine Mark now also has a dedicated show button on the website’s home page to promote its “mission” and use among members companies in the machinery and installation sector.

 “Mobile first”

As we said, the new website is conceived from a “mobile first” viewpoint, and all the sites’ sections and contents that are analyzed as follows were optimized for viewing, consultation and use via mobile, to give all operators a useful work tool and all member companies new added value to digital promotion and marketing, added to the range of services the association offers and guarantees in its technical-institutional work.

The post The New Natural Stone Industry Website appeared first on StoneNews.eu.

6:34 am December 7, 2019

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