The Many Uses of Marble – The Properties of Marble and Its Uses
Taj Mahal
Supreme Court Building
Marble Stair Treads, Risers, Floor Tile
Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial was built between 1914 and 1922. Many different stones were used in the memorial. The terrace walls and lower steps were made of granite from Massachusetts. The upper steps, columns, and outside facade were made using marble from Colorado. The interior walls are Indiana limestone (called “Indiana Marble” by many architects). The floor was made using pink marble from Tennessee, and the statue of Lincoln is made from a very bright white marble from Georgia. Each type of stone was selected for its properties along with an effort to utilize stone from many parts of the United States.
Agricultural Lime
Some marble is heated in a kiln to drive off the carbon dioxide that is contained within the calcite. What remains after kiln treatment is the calcium oxide – known as “lime.” Lime is used as an agricultural soil treatment to reduce the acidity in soil. When applied in combination with fertilizer, it can increase the yield of a soil. This test plot shows a portion of a corn field where no lime and no fertilizer were applied. The plants in that plot are struggling to survive.
Marble Quarry
Equipment working in a marble quarry. In this quarry the marble is being sawn into blocks for the production of dimension stone.
Crushed Stone – Construction Aggregate
Some marble is mined, crushed, sized and sold as a construction aggregate. It can be used as fill, subbase, landscape stone and other uses where soundness and abrasion resistance are not critical. Because marble is composed of calcite, it cleaves more readily than limestone and does not have the strength, soundness, and abrasion resistance of granite and other more competent rocks.
Calcium Feed Supplement
Dairy cows and chickens need a steady supply of calcium to produce milk and eggs. Farms that raise these animals often use animal feeds that have been supplemented with additional calcium. Powdered limestone and marble are used to produce these supplements because they are softer than the animal’s teeth, soluble, and rich in calcium.
Bust of Artemis
Marble is a translucent stone that allows light to enter and produce a soft “glow.” It also has the ability to take a very high polish. These properties make it a beautiful stone for producing sculptures. It is soft, making it easy to sculpt, and when it is fine-grained it has uniform properties in all directions. Some of the world’s most famous sculptures have been produced from marble.
Many Colors of Marble
Washington Monument
Cutting Marble
Marble Dimension Stone
Acid Neutralization
Soft Abrasive
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9:53 am February 11, 2020
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